On Wed, 20 Feb 2013, Logan Kelly wrote:
> Question about the GUI:
> When I execute
> Save/Define New Variable (in a model tab after executing
> OLS) and input in the text box:
> scalar b1=$coeff(IAU)
> Everything works fine, but when after running OLS I execute
> Add/ Define New Variable (in the main window) and input in
> the text box:
> scalar b1=$coeff(IAU)
> I get the following error message:
> Invalid argument for function
> 'IAU': invalid argument for $coeff()
> Is this expected behavior?
The error message is off (we'll look into fixing that), but
the basic point, namely that what you describe works in the
model window but not in the main window "Define New Variable"
dialog, is expected.
When you use a model-data accessor such as $coeff this refers
to the "last model". But what exactly does the "last model"
mean, when models can be estimated both by point-and-click and
by script or via the console? What we settled on some time ago
is that the "last model" position is occupied by the last
model estimated via script/console -- and in this case there's
presumably no "last model" in that sense. However, when you
use Add from the model window, the search for accessors is
directed to the model that's shown there, so it works.
Allin Cottrell
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