Dear Gretl Team,

I'm trying to define sample ranges inside a "big" Hansl script using strings. Please take a look at the following code:

open australia.gdt

string data0 = "1980:4"
string data1 = obslabel(lastobs(PUS)-10)
string data2 = obslabel(lastobs(PUS))
string def_erro = "4"

smpl obsnum(@data2)-@def_erro ; # Ok!

smpl full
smpl ; obsnum(@data2) # Doesn't work

smpl full
smpl obsnum(@data2)-@def_erro obsnum(@data2)  # Doesn't work

print "Hello, World!"


The problem only happens with Gretl 1.10.0 (I think it is a problem related to the new parser).

Best regards,
Henrique Coêlho de Andrade

Diretoria de Estratégia e Organização

Divisão de Cenários e Estudos Macroeconômicos

Banco do Brasil

Tel.: (61) 3102-6911