Hi all,
I’m having a couple of issues with the gnuplot command
in a script. If I write “gnuplot y x,” gretl writes the .plt file
in my working directory (c:\program files\gretl), as described in the command
reference. If I add a file name, say “gnuplot y x --output=ch2.pdf”,
the file is written ok but to a different directory (one I was working in on
Friday). Using “output=display” doesn’t produce anything. Actually
it looks like a graph window may get created & then immediately closed –
it’s hard to tell if it’s that or the script output window opening.
In any event there’s no message in the script output (not that I’d
expect one for a successfully created graph).
The specific script I’m running is Lee Adkins’s
POEch2.inp. I’ve also replicated the directory switch in the console.
Dr. Peter Summers
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics