Thank you for your help! I followed the instructions that Allin gave me and now the accented filenames are working correctly. But I read the article in the link you sent to me (http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2618/os_x_easily_edit_hidden_configuration_files_with_textedit). I liked it very much. Now, I think I'm a better Mac user (and gretl user) than before :).
2008/9/24 Gordon Hughes
I'd tested with the new snapshot and it really worked fine!!!! Now,
only the OS/X snapshot remains with the problems.
Mac OS-X is really Unix with an Apple veneer on top. The file .profile is a hidden Unix file that contains basic information for the shell that runs most programs. Textedit (the Apple editor) will edit hidden files if (a) you have administrative privileges (which is likely if you are the sole user), (b) you use the terminal rather than the standard graphical interface. Do a Google search on "edit hidden files in OS-X" and you will find articles with appropriate instructions - eg http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2618/os_x_easily_edit_hidden_configuration_files_with_textedit .
But, I am surprised that this is necessary. The International configuration under System Preferences should set up the language preferences to cope with Brazilian Portuguese files. Check that the box for Portugues (Brasil) is ticked in the list of language options - I assume that it is since you say that you can see files with accented file names in other programs. Also check that the associated configuration variables are correct.
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