Maybe I could help. I do the same thing all the time. I know it's boring to open files in R. Look what I did in R, when open a converted (from gretl) file:

tax <- 
  read.table("C:/Users/cdshikida/Documents/Meus Documentos/textos/textos em andamento (e planilhas)/cargatributarianovo/novocargatrib.R",
   header=TRUE, sep="", na.strings="NA", dec=".", strip.white=TRUE)

I don't know exactly the nature of your problem, but it could be the difference between anglo-saxon world in decimals separator and latino's convention of using comma instead.

Hope this could help you.

Best Wishes


On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Leandro Zipitria <> wrote:
Dear Gretl community,

I have atempted to save several databases used in gretl and then open them on R, and have always problems to open it. I attach gretl file, and R file. Does anyone have the same problem? Here is the R output (translated from spanish)

] ERROR: magic number invalid restore file (the file may be corrupted) - no data reloaded


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