Em 12 de agosto de 2010, Allin <cottrell@wfu.edu> escreveu:

On Thu, 12 Aug 2010, Henrique Andrade wrote:

> I'm trying to save a correlogram graph with the Arial font
> (editing the line # set term pngcairo font "sans,8"). Gretl
> shows me the correlogram with the Arial font with no problems,
> but when I try to export to a PNG file the Arial font is
> substituted by Sans. What can I do to solve this problem?

This is a bit awkward. The trouble is that the correlogram graph
(along with a few other "specials") is complicated by the fact
that it's a "multiplot", and it can't be handled by the GUI plot

It would be nice to offer at least a limited version of the
plot-editing dialog for such graphs (probably just font and line
color) and maybe I'll get to that at some point.

It would be good!
In the meantime,
though, here's a workaround (followed by an additional option):

1. After saving the plot as an icon, call up the icon view, right
click on the graph icon and choose "Edit plot commands". (I guess
you got that far already.)

Yes, I'm already editing the plot commands :-)
2. Now, edit the commented-out "set term" line and add a "set
output" line, something like this:

# set term pngcairo font "Sans,8"

set term pngcairo font "Arial,8"
set output "/path/to/arialplot.png"

3. Click the Run button and gnuplot will make the PNG file for

Nothing happens.
Or here's an alternative if you prefer Arial to Sans in general
for plots:

Make a regular time series plot and open the plot editor. Change
the font to Arial, check the box "set as default", and click OK.
Now subsequent plots, including correlograms, will use Arial.

This alternative worked just fine!

Thanks a lot Allin!
