Lovely example of using VAR and SUR models together in -gretl- producing quality output.

I'm looking at the April 2020 UG, so I'm behind, but perhaps is it time to devote an entire section on SUR (especially w.r.t. LHS proportional variables summing up to 1; used quite regularly in quantitative political science), as they're very powerful models revealing useful insights (if used right).


On Sun, 4 Oct 2020 at 18:38, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti <> wrote:
On Sun, 4 Oct 2020, Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am being asked to estimate a VAR-X; I would like to do it in GRETL, but I
> don´t really know how.
> My understanding of a VAR-X is the following: Suppose 3 variables, X, Y,
> and Z, to be included in a VAR(1).
> Yt = a1 Yt-1 + a2 Xt-1 +a3 Zt-1
> Xt = a4 Yt-1 + a5 Xt-1 +a6 Zt-1
> Zt = a7 Yt-1 + a8 Xt-1 +a9 Zt-1
> Suppose further that Y is a macro variable from, say, the US, whilst X and
> Y are macro variables from Mexico. I would like to assume that Y affects X
> and W, but is not affected by X, and Y. Thus, what I need to do is to
> restrict a2 = a3:
> Yt = a1 Yt-1
> Xt = a4 Yt-1 + a5 Xt-1 +a6 Zt-1
> Zt = a7 Yt-1 + a8 Xt-1 +a9 Zt-1
> Therefore, Y has its own AR equation. This is not exactly an exogenous
> variables as defined in the GRETL VAR command. At most, what I can do with
> GRETL command is:
> Xt = a4 Yt-1 + a5 Xt-1 +a6 Zt-1
> Zt = a7 Yt-1 + a8 Xt-1 +a9 Zt-1
> But then I lose Y's equation. I could estimate separately the first
> equation and then the other two in a regular VAR, but I was wondering if I
> can directly estimate the VAR with the three variables and restrict two
> specific parameters, as in the first set of equations. My final goal is to
> estimate the IRF Yt -> Xt. Is this feasible in GRETL?

Yes. You can cast the VAR as a system and use the "system" command block.

In the following example, first the VAR estimation is replicated; then,
some restrictions are imposed so that you get what I think you want.

set verbose off
open AWM18.gdt --quiet
y = log(YER)
c = log(PCR)
i = log(GCR)

list X = y c i
var 1 X

# re-do VAR as a system

system name=foo
     equation y const X(-1)
     equation c const X(-1)
     equation i const X(-1)
end system

estimate foo method=sur

# estimate VAR with constraints

system name=foo
     equation y const y(-1)
     equation c const X(-1)
     equation i const X(-1)
end system

estimate foo method=sur

   Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
   Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)

   Università Politecnica delle Marche
   (formerly known as Università di Ancona)
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