Thanks Henrique,
I did some more digging myself, and I think I know how to fix the problem with output to an eps file. (Note, I think this is an issue with GNUPlot not Gretl
or the gnuplot command in hansl.)
For the GNUPlot command
set linestyle 1 lc rgb "#000000";
To be used by the postscript terminal you need the command
set style increment user;
I found this description: “By default, successive plots within the same graph will use successive linetypes from the default set for the current terminal type.
However, choosing set style increment user allows you to step through the user-defined line styles rather than through the default linetypes.” Thus the following works fine
gnuplot DM1_@cc DM2_@cc SS_@cc \
--time-series \
--single-yaxis \
--with-lines \
{ set terminal postscript eps enhanced "Helvetica, 10" dashed size 2.5,1.75;\
set key right bottom;\
set style line 1 lc rgb "#000000";\
set style line 2 lc rgb "#ff0000";\
set style line 3 lc rgb "#0000ff";\
set style increment user; }\
From: []
On Behalf Of Henrique Andrade
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:45 AM
To: Gretl list
Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] gnuplot: How to format an eps file
Dear Logan,
I made some tests and I'm getting the same problem as the one described by you. Please take a look at my simple example:
open australia.gdt
series line1 = PAU # black: #000000
series line2 = 0.1 * PAU # red: #FF0000
series line3 = 0.2 * PAU # blue: #0000FF
# Color definition works!
gnuplot line1 line2 line3 \
{ set key left top;\
set linestyle 1 lc rgb "#000000";\
set linestyle 2 lc rgb "#FF0000";\
set linestyle 3 lc rgb "#0000FF";}\
--time-series --single-yaxis --with-lines --output=display
# Color definition works!
gnuplot line1 line2 line3 \
{ set key left top;\
set linestyle 1 lc rgb "#000000";\
set linestyle 2 lc rgb "#FF0000";\
set linestyle 3 lc rgb "#0000FF";}\
--time-series --single-yaxis --with-lines --output=logan.png
# Color definition doesn't work!
gnuplot line1 line2 line3 \
{ set key left top;\
set linestyle 1 lc rgb "#000000";\
set linestyle 2 lc rgb "#FF0000";\
set linestyle 3 lc rgb "#0000FF";}\
--time-series --single-yaxis --with-lines --output=logan.eps
I am using Gretl 1.9.11cvs on Windows Vista.
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade