the problem in the real world is often we do not have as many observations as we would like to work with  -so the data I am looking at is annual observations available from 1986 for 1 variable (rod catches of salmon) with annual data for another (hours spent fishing), recorded from 1994  but the basis of its recording  changed in 1998 from a paper return to online,  which significantly affected the number of records submitted for 3 years as for catches recorde in those years. etc so one can only work with a common timeframe .  Frustrating but reality.

On Sun, 20 Dec 2020 at 16:50, Sven Schreiber <> wrote:
Am 20.12.2020 um 17:45 schrieb Brian Revell:
On Sun, 20 Dec 2020 at 15:44, Sven Schreiber <> wrote:
Am 20.12.2020 um 16:34 schrieb Brian Revell:
Hi Sven
the specification was just pushing data and parameters to their limits with specific lags of  1 3 6 and 9 years specified in the 2 dependent variables to try to pick up some cyclical elements in the data and  with only 22 observations. I will try it dropping the lag 9 later (I have other ARMAX results I don't want to risk losing at present until I have finished the session) to see if it makes the difference between crash or go!
Windows 10 OS. However, i would have expected some failure messages, not a complete crash.

Thanks, that's already enough - I can confirm the crash here on Windows with the latest snapshot (with 22 obs and using the GUI to enter the lag choice "1,3,6,9", without the quotes).

Although I now realize that using commas in there was probably the wrong syntax, using spaces instead also replicates the crash...


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