I have been trying to use the different options of the deseas function in gretl. All the options I used seem to work as intended except the arima option. To be more specific I have tried to build a deseasonalizing procedure in which a certain arima model is imposed. According to the gretl reference manual this should be done by building a bundle and using “arima” and a 6x1 matrix which defines the model, like in the following example:
matrix start ={0,2,1,0,1,1}
bundle b=defbundle(verbose=2,seats=1,outliers=7, arima=start)
The bundle definition works, i.e a bundle b is built, but function deseas fails because it does not recognize the arima key
I attach a file with data and a short script should something be unclear.
Please, let me know if I failed to follow the manual or there is something strange going on with the program.
And since we are at the end of 2022, a happy new year!
Javier Sansa