Am 28.11.2018 um 15:40 schrieb Davide
I am now facing a second, bigger challenge: with Sven's
script, I got the standard errors, p values, O.R. and IC 95%
that I needed. Now I have to tabulate them, using Excel or
Word. Problem is that the Gretl results file, which I attached
to the mail, shows (along with the useful data obtained) many
other things that I do not need, lines and lines of text that
I should manually delete hundreds of times (the akaike
criterion, the schwarz criterion, hannan- quinn etc.).
What I need is a series of rows displaying ONLY the ES,
P-values and so on, instead of having to search through the
list of results that the Gretl logit analysis gave me. DId I
manage to explain my problem? does anyone have any suggestions
about it?
You probably need the --quiet switch (which it seems isn't
documented for logit, but works). Plus the $coeff and other
$-accessors as I briefly mentioned before. Check this out:
open credscore
list reg = Age..Selfempl
loop foreach r reg --quiet
logit Acc const $r --quiet
printf "First coefficient estimate: %g\n", $coeff[1]
printf "1st coeff. std err: %g\n", $stderr[1]
matrix tstats = $coeff ./ $stderr
printf "1st coeff. t-stat: %g\n", tstats[1]
Instead of printing it out inside the loop, you could also append to
a result matrix one-by-one, and print (or store) the final matrix
after the loop.