gretl 2024b. Windows 10 64-bit.

Is there a way to impose a non-negativity/positivity constraint on the gmm command for an estimated parameter when using the --lbfgs option

I am trying to estimate  variance(scale) parameters of a distribution. The theoretical moment condition is 

qw^2 + qu^2 = (1/n)sum res^2     

(sum of squared residuals estimates the population variance, which is the sum of two separate variances, so we need both qw>0, qu>0). 

I wrote one of the two related orthogonality conditions as 

series eq2 = (res2 - (sqrt(qw))^4 - (sqrt(qu))^4 ) *(1/obsn)

(obsn = n) .

Without the --lbfgs option, it appears that the positivity constraint imposed implicitly through the use of the square root, is respected.

But when I include the --lbfgs option in the gmm command, the estimator does not seem to be bothered with the square root any more; I get for example (with --lbfgs)


Iteration    2: GMM criterion = 1.45609463344 (steplength = 0.0197114)
Parameters:      0.26238     0.26007
Gradients:      -0.87662      1.0848 (norm 5.06e-001)

Iteration    3: GMM criterion = 0.911545264969 (steplength = 13)
Parameters:     0.041548     0.51495
Gradients:     -0.019980      1.4100 (norm 6.03e-001)

Iteration    4: GMM criterion = NA (steplength = 0.6875)
Parameters:     -0.57965      1.3822
Gradients:     -0.019980      1.4100 (norm 9.90e-001)

Iteration    5: GMM criterion = NA (steplength = 0.6875)
Parameters:      -1.2008      2.2495
Gradients:     -0.019980      1.4100 (norm 1.26e+000)

Iteration    6: GMM criterion = NA (steplength = 0.6875)
Parameters:      -1.8220      3.1169
Gradients:     -0.019980      1.4100 (norm 1.49e+000)


GMM criterion = NA (steplength = 0.6875)
Parameters:      -51.518      72.501
Gradients:     -0.019980      1.4100 (norm 7.19e+000)

I detect that once one parameter becomes negative, the values of the gradients do not change anymore, which may say something about the inner workings of the gmm command with --lbfgs


A last-minute thought: in gretl's  guide (in  chapter 37 for numerical methods) we read

<< The primary case for using L-BFGS-B, however, is constrained optimization: this algorithm supports constraints on the parameters in the form of minima and/or maxima. In gretl this is implemented by the function BFGScmax (‘c’ for constrained). The syntax is basically similar to that of BFGSmax, except that the first argument must followed by specification of a “bounds” matrix. >>

So, maybe, because when lbfgs is used as an option in gmm we do not specify this "bounds" matrix, this creates the issue?

But regardless, how can it happen that it takes a negative number, puts it inside a square root, and doesn't at least abort if not move away, but keeps on trying negative candidates?

Alecos Papadopoulos PhD
Affiliate Researcher
Dpt of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business
Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE)