Allin Cottrell a écrit :
On Thu, 10 May 2007, a b wrote:

       Does the "--progressive" flag take effect in < loop for 
(step=400; step<=700; step+=10) > ? On my computer it makes
Greetl crash !

Well, I think I've now done that, in CVS and a new
Windows snapshot.

Something is still missing ! Having installed Gretl last Windows snapshot, the loop works well with "--progressive"
but doesn't store the scalars it should. Here's the script (estimating a Gompertz model):

genr time
loop for (y_max=400; y_max<=700; y_max+=10) --progressive
  genr lvt = log((y_max/taux)-1)
  ols lvt 0 time --quiet
  genr scr = $ess
  store "balayage.gdt" y_max scr

and what I find in the output file is the trend vector -- become the "constant" vector (filled by 1)--, the "taux" series filled by taux's 1st observation and "lvt" series.

> 2. My computer runs on XP french version, but Gretl 1.6.3 always starts in english. I changed the language into french through the DOS window but had no result !

3. Is there somebody else having scripts not colored or that's just me ?

Thank you, :-)

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