I'm fairly new to gretl. It's a good tool that helps me with my work.
I have a question about plotting time series (daily data) with the date as labels on the x axis.
I've noticed that when using the --time-seires option in gnuplot, the plot is always against a single data scale (on the left).
In other words, the option --time-series, seems to imply --single-yaxis. This behavior is not documented in the User's Guide and I want to ask if there is a way to undo this behavior and let a gnuplot with --time-series use both left and right axes. If I don't use --time-series, I can still plot versus an index column but then  the x-labels are not dates.
Here's an example to illustrate:

open anscombe.gdt
setobs 7 2015-02-18 --time-series  # assign some arbitrary date range to sample data
genr index
y100=y1*100   # scale the data by 100 to get different value ranges
gnuplot x y100 --time-series --with-lp   # both series on left axis scale
gnuplot x y100 index --with-lp  # second series scale is separate (Right axis)

Another note, I had an idea that a potential workaround could be adding a unix-timestamp column to my data (I can easily do that with my data source) and then telling gnuplot to format the x axis as a date. Something like:

gnuplot y1 y2 unix_day --with-lines {gnuplot commands;}

where unix_day is the unix-timestamp column.
Can anyone with gnuplot experience tell me what commands need to go in the braces for this to work?

I'm using gretl 1.10.1 on Windows 7.