I have a custom data set in panel format using 'Trees' as Group/Unit index and 'Age' as the Time index. All 'Trees' also belong to one of 27 'Stands'.
When I restrict the sample to a particular 'Stand', the data set structure does not transfer to the sample set. The 'Trees' and 'Age' indices must be reassigned every time I restrict the sample group. (The complete data set retains its specification as 'Panel Data' when I 'Restore Full Range'.)
Am I doing something brainless here? Is there some reason GRETL keeps the entire data set as 'Panel' while changing each sample to 'Cross-Sectional'?
By the way, thank you so much for all your work on this project. GRETL has really allowed me to explore statistics. I really appreciate your efforts.
If I have posted in the wrong place, please let me know. I apologize for any inconvenience.