2009/10/7 Shaianne Osterreich <shaianneo@gmail.com>
Henrique - thanks.  I have tried this and it works well.

However, I have 185 variables so I am trying to give the variables descriptive labels all at once rather than enter them one at a time.

If you use the script file I'd suggested you can do give the labels all at once.
I have tried to copy and paste a script with all 185 variables but I can't paste into gretl from outside.  Do you have suggestions on that?

Do you already write the script? What operational system are you using (Windows, Mac OS or Linux)? If you already have the script and If you are using Gretl for Windows or Mac OS you can do this:

(1) save your script into a .txt file (named, for example, script.txt);
(2) close the file script.txt;
(3) change the file extension from .txt to .inp (this is the file extension used by Gretl's scripts);
(4) now you can open this file (script.inp) using Gretl (go to File -> Script files -> User file)

Please, try this and tell me if it works. If it doesn't work I have another trick (a little bit laborious, but that I've successfully used once).
