Hi all,

I have asked the Microsoft AI application contained in the Edge browser (Copilot):

Write me a Hansl script for a Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite matrix.

The answer was

## Bing
Sure, here is a simple Hansl script for performing a Cholesky decomposition of a positive definite matrix:

# Create a positive definite matrix
matrix A = {4,12,-16;12,37,-43;-16,-43,98}

# Perform Cholesky decomposition
matrix L = cholesky(A)

# Print the lower triangular matrix
print L

In this script, we first create a positive definite matrix A. Then, we use the cholesky function to perform the Cholesky decomposition. The result is a lower triangular matrix L such that A = L * L'. Finally, we print the matrix L.
Please replace the matrix A with your own positive definite matrix. Note that the matrix must be symmetric and positive definite for the Cholesky decomposition to be valid. If the matrix is not positive definite, the cholesky function will return an error.
Let me know if you need help with anything else! 😊
I find this quite impressive!