Hi all, I'm Yago again.
So I'm struggling with a new thing.
The script I'm writing asks the user to imput at the very top what variables will be used as dependent and regressors for a logit model. I wanted to put it at the top so any user imput is close and neat, and there's no skim through code necessary.
The problem is that I can't make a list before I have a dataset, I can't make a list for series that are not defined before such list.
I've been trying to transform bundes and arrays to lists, so I can define those at least in the beggining, and later on pass the values in to lists, but apparently that isn't possible either (or I'm doing something wrong, or lack knowledge, but I promise I
spent quite a time in the documentation).
Series are unknown until the dataset is loaded, as the dataset will likely come with dummy variables and transformations from
a previous exercise.
I'm hitting a limit here, or is there any way to perform this?
Thank you for your time!