On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:54 PM, Henrique Andrade
<henrique.coelho@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Allin, I realized what is going wrong. Take a look at the following script:
open data9-12
ldiff pcecars pop pcdpy cpinew
var 24 ld_pcecars ld_pop ld_pcdpy ld_cpinew --lagselect
Teste para verificação do erro na seleção de defasagens
do VAR via GUI.
In that case everything is working fine. But if I change the script subtracting
the last line (*/):
open data9-12
ldiff pcecars pop pcdpy cpinew
var 24 ld_pcecars ld_pop ld_pcdpy ld_cpinew --lagselect
Teste para verificação do erro na seleção de defasagens
do VAR via GUI.
Now the problem arises. I think it would be important to introduce an error
message instead of a crash, won't you? ;)
Thanks for figuring this out. Should be fixed now.