Well, since it does not seen to be an easy task, here is my plan: I will take a look at John's suggested interface, use it for a while to see what I will really need in terms of x-12-arima options, before bothering Gretl developers...

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Allin Cottrell <cottrell@wfu.edu> wrote:

On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Paulo Grahl wrote:

> [...] I'm still open on how to do it from within Gretl, since it
> facilitates a lot the automation of the process. Since a
> seasonal adjustment is just the first step before a gretl script
> runs, it would be a lot more convenient for me to keep it all in
> Gretl.

I take your point. If you can give us an account of specific
x-12-arima commands that you would like to have available from
within gretl we can see about providing them. Up till now we have
just offered "the basics" from x-12-arima; the gretl authors do
not claim great expertise in using that program.

Allin Cottrell
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