Thanks for your quick answer! I should have actually specified that I had to compile as the pre-compiled version from the repo was having a problem, probably the one reported here:
so unfortunately the simple apt-get solution to install did not work! -(
Dear Matthieu,The installation of gretl on Ubuntu (11.04, 11.10, 12.04) is performed using the package manager (synaptic) or even in the very center applications automatically.I use gretl at 12:04 "without problems. If need be posting some screenshots of the software installation.Regards.--
Arlindo Fabrício Corrêia
Engenheiro Agrônomo - (45) 9974-3239
Instituto Água Viva de Pesquisa e Extensão - Toledo/PRMestrando em Energia na Agricultura - Unioeste - Cascavel/PR - Brasilskype: arlindofcorreia
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