Dear all, I am trying to ML estimate a model from and the following code, with Rng being the variable of interest,
scalar rng = 0.1
scalar err = 0.2
scalar gamma = 1
mle ll = 0.5*ln(theta) - theta*lambda + RANGE *(ln(RANGE)-1) - lngamma(RANGE+1) + theta*RANGE( 1 + ln(lambda/RANGE))
series lambda = mean(RANGE)
series lambda = c + rng*RANGE(-1) + err*lambda(-1)
params gamma c rng err
end mle --robust
returns "lag order: argument 2 should be scalar, is series. Data types not conformable for operation". As far as I undestand, the problem is the first element of LL, but have no clue how to correct it. Any hint is much appreciated.