Am 23.02.2024 um 00:02 schrieb Cottrell, Allin:
On Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 11:20 AM Sven Schreiber
<> wrote:
I'm having problems with the attached dataset, which holds annual
regional GDP values for the German federal states (plus the German
total). This is in time series format but I'd like to convert it to a
panel structure with the relatively recent GUI feature of using several
"side-by-side" time series. I have used this feature successfully in the
past, but with this dataset the relevant option in the dialog following
the choice of Data - Dataset structure - interpret as panel is not
accessible, greyed out.
When the new option of conversion from side-by-side time series to
panel was introduced, we failed to notice that an initial check for
the possibility of conversion to panel was still in place, unmodified.
That check ruled out a dataset with a prime number of observations
(since this number could not be interpreted as N*T with N and T both >
1) unless the dataset contained series that could identify time and
unit. Your dataset contains 23 observations.

I guess this problem wasn't noticed because in testing of the new
facility the dataset(s) didn't have a prime number of observations.
Anyway, this is now fixed in git. New snapshots will follow before too

Thanks, Allin!
