Allin we have progress!!!
Not it works with the the methods fine​ and it only does not work when you double click
on a Gretl file and I get this where the Greek τεστ is translated to test :

On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 3:51 PM, Allin Cottrell <> wrote:
On Mon, 21 May 2018, Periklis Gogas wrote:

​Does this affect my problem?​

The new bug that Sven detected could complicate matters. But that's now fixed in git and the latest snapshots.

So we're wondering: Does double-clicking on a "mixed language" filename now work for you?

In addition it's possible that very recent changes might make the other modes of access (drag and drop, File dialog) work for you, though I'm not confident about that since right now I don't
understand why your experience differs from Sven's and mine.


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