Packed with changes!!
Thanks guys 

On Fri, 5 Apr 2024, 15:05 Cottrell, Allin, <> wrote:
As usual, find gretl at

The changes:

2024-04-05 version 2024a
- gretl "addons": integrate with releases on all platforms
- $sysinfo bundle: add gnuplot version as scalar ("gnuplot")
- "plot" command: update the help text and apply a fix for the
  case of showing multiple bands
- "tsplots" command with matrix input: don't require a list
  argument, plot all columns by default
- "gnuplot" command with --matrix and --time-series options:
  show dataset time on x-axis if possible
- "gnuplot" command: add --y2axis option to specify placement
  of a specifed y-variable on a second axis
  show dataset time on x-axis if possible
- "info" command: add --to-file and --from-file options for
  manipulating the description of a dataset
- "clear" command: add --all option to clear both function
  definitions and all data
- "outfile" block: add a --decpoint option to enforce use of
  decimal point (dot) for output within the block
- "freq" command: automatically switch to no binning in case
  of few distinct values of the series argument
- "tsls" command: add a --matrix-diff option for the Hausman
  test, using the method of Padadopoulos (Econometrics, 2023)
- "gmm" command block: support lists of series in extenso on
  either side of an "orthog" statement
- "corrgm", "xcorrgm", "pergm" and "qlrtest" commands: make
  these commands work properly in a "gpbuild" block
- "gmm" command: mark the --two-step and --iterate options as
  mutually exclusive
- "loop foreach": support arrays and bundles that are located
  inside other arrays or bundles
- "pkg install" command: support installation of data file
  packages in tar.gz format from the gretl server
- "pkg query" command: show details of script and data files
  from a package's "examples" directory, if present
- "pkg" command: add "run-sample" action to run the sample
  script from a specified package
- "modeltab" command: add an --options flag to control
  formatting via the command line
- New function fevalb(): a more flexible variant of feval()
- New function randstr(): gives a random hexadecimal string
  of chosen length, to serve as a unique ID
- bcheck() function: make the second argument optional
- nobs() function: accept a list argument
- Fix broken backward compatibility in handling of backslash
  followed by double-quote in string literals
- Fix bug: crash when plotting matrix data with the multiple
  bands option
- Fix bug: restore support for reading JMulTi .dat files
- Fix bug: the "smpl" command with --dummy option could end
  up broken after doing "Save data" in the GUI when there's
  a sample restriction in place
- Fix bug: possible crash when a dbnomics download fails, if
  invoked via the "data" command
- Fix bugs connected with estimation of panel data models via
  pooled OLS with the --cluster option: the option was being
  ignored in some cases and the "add" test was not working
- Fix bug: the symmetry checker for gretl matrices could fail
  to flag asymmetry in some cases
- Fix bug: typeof() and typename() flagging an error in case
  no object was found corresponding to the argument
- Fix bug: "modeltab" command flagging a spurious error in
  some cases
- geoplot addon: fix obsolete usage of "outfile"
- GUI: fix for the "Dataset structure" mechanism when trying
  to convert from side-by-side time series to panel
- GUI: apply some legibility fixes for dark GTK themes
- GUI: enable the advertised keystrokes in file "browser"
  windows (bug #294)
- GUI function package editor: add support specific to the
  editing of markdown help
- GUI script editor: improve handling of C-style comments in
- GUI: make a newly installed data file package accessible
  by reopening the relevant window; don't require a restart
  of gretl
- gdt and gdtb data file specification: allow files which
  contain no actual data series, just the implicit "const"
  plus metadata (structure and number of observations)
- add a suite of unit tests to the gretl source tree

Allin Cottrell
Professor of Economics, Emeritus
Wake Forest University
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