Dear Riccardo and Allin,

I have experienced some trouble with a newly compiled gretl from CVS (Linux Mint Debian Edition) but luckily a 2012-10-09 message from Riccardo advising to use “sudo ldconfig” helped overcome the “error while loading shared libraries:” error message that popped if gretl were started from console. After “make” and “sudo make install”, the standard way of launching gretl (through buttons from the start menu) didn’t work, so I resorted to the console, googled the error message, found Riccardo’s answer and implemented it. And it worked! However, there is one question: could you announce it (or include it somewhere in the compiler readme) that the command “sudo ldconfig” should be used if gretl GUI just won’t start after the compilation? Or maybe, since “make install” is invoked by the superuser, one of the last steps of the installation should be a forced “ldconfig” run just in case? Or does it seem potentially more toxic rather than remedying?

P.S. The nested “--progressive” loops no longer crash the programme, thank you very much for the fix!

Yours sincerely,      | С уважением,
Andreï V. Kostyrka. | Андрей Викторович Костырка.,