I read in the manual that with matrix addition and subtraction scalars or 1x1 matrices are expanded to be conformable with the other argument, e.g.
matrix jan=1+ones(3,1)
works and results in a 3x1 matrix. Adding the next command also works as expected:
matrix jan=ones(3,1)+jan'jan
However, reversing the command results in an error:
matrix jan=jan'jan + ones(3,1)
Matrices not conformable for operation
Is this normal behaviour and am I missing something, or is this a bug?
I'm using Gretl 1.9.5cvs built 2011-04-24 on Mac OS X 10.6.8

Jan Annaert

UNIVERSITEITANTWERPEN | Faculty of Applied Economics (TEW) | Dept. Accounting & Finance
Room  S.B.335 | Prinsstraat 13 | B-2000 Antwerp  | Belgium
Phone +32 32654163 |Fax +32 32654064
