Dear all, 

I have run the varsimul() function and it works well!

Now I am having some problems to estimate the var with simulated data..

The code I am running is the following: 

scalar p = 6
list y = 8 13 12 1 2 3 

var p y -- silent
matrix Ac = $compan[1:6,]
matrix U = $uhat.+$coeff[1,]
matrix y0 = {var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6}[1:6,]

list y1 = 8 13 12 1 2
list x = 3

var p y1; x
matrix Ac1 = $compan[1:5,]
matrix U1 = $uhat.+$coeff[1,]
matrix y01 = {var1, var2, var3, var4, var5}[1:6,]

loop (n. of replics)
matrix Usim = resample(U)
matrix Ysim = varsimul(Ac, Usim, y0)
matrix Usim1 = resample(U1)
matrix Ysim1 = vasimul(Ac1,Usim1,y01)

series frs = Ysim[,1]
series ips= Ysim[,2]
series baas=Ysim[,6]

var p frs ips ... baas

Here I get error: invalid option '--' var p frs...

I guess it is because I cannot enter these series in the var command.. 

Could someone help me? How can I estimate the var with the simulated data? 

Thanks in advance..

2013/6/14 Gabriela Nodari <>

Thank you very much! I will give a look to the varsimul function!!

On 14/06/2013 8:40 PM, "Allin Cottrell" <> wrote:
On Fri, 14 Jun 2013, Gabriela Nodari wrote:

> I would like to obtain simulated data by bootstrapping the residuals of a
> VAR model. I have gave a look to the gretl guide, and I found something
> related to resampling and bootstrapping (section 7.4) [...]

Check out the varsimul() function. Here's a simple example of

open data9-7
var 4 PRIME UNEMP --silent
matrix A = $compan[1:2,]
# residuals + const
matrix U = $uhat .+ $coeff[1,]
# initial values
matrix y0 = {PRIME, UNEMP}[1:4,]
# simulate the VAR
matrix X = varsimul(A, U, y0)
# check that we got back the original data
# (to within machine precision)
eval X - {PRIME, UNEMP}
# now resample U
matrix Us = resample(U)
matrix Xs = varsimul(A, Us, y0)
# look at the simulated data
print Xs

Use "set seed" if you want to be able to replicate the
resampling. Put the last few lines in a loop for multiple

Allin Cottrell

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