I occasionally tried the following script to run ADF OLS manually. However, it is found the commands for DF and ADF1 as follow are ok but not for ADF2.
open data3-6
#ADF by OLS manually
DF <- ols diff(Yt) const Yt(-1)
ADF1 <- ols diff(Yt) const Yt(-1) diff(Yt_1)
ADF2 <- ols diff(Yt) const Yt(-1) diff(Yt_1) diff(Yt_2)
I know that it formally should be execute before these ols commands:
lags 2; Yt
But this looks like Yt_1 has been generated internally since the script like this does not work:
ADF1 <- ols diff(Yt) const Yt(-1) diff(Y(-1))
I am not asking any revision. Just curious. Thanks.
Yi-Nung Yang