The script you provided worked perfectly. I suppose then it is something I'm doing improperly? However this has been working for me for a few months...

I'm using an imported file from STATA "y.dta", I run the following:

open y.dta
setobs 12 1990:01 --time-series
genr valueadj = deseas(value, X)

Every time I get ".gretl/x12arima/x.d11: No such file or directory". This occurs even when I leave the "X" off and try:

open y.dta
setobs 12 1990:01 --time-series
genr valueadj = deseas(value)

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 4:45 PM, Allin Cottrell <> wrote:
On Thu, 12 Jan 2012, Patrick Kallerman wrote:

> Would this still be the case if the series I was adjusting wasn't `x'?
> It was actually `value'.

Hmm. You were trying to adjust a series named 'value' and got an
error message about 'x.d11' not existing?  That sounds like black
magic to me.

What do you get from the following script:

open data9-7.gdt
series value = QNC
series dsv = deseas(value)


Allin Cottrell

> On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Allin Cottrell <> wrote:
>> On Thu, 12 Jan 2012, Patrick Kallerman wrote:
>>> I get the below: [snipped]
>>> units103.out  units103.spc  value.d11  value.d12  value.d13  value.err
>>> value.log  value.out  value.spc  var1.d11  var1.d12  var1.d13  var1.err
>>> var1.log  var1.out  var1.spc  var2.d11  var2.d12  var2.d13  var2.err
>>> var2.log  var2.out  var2.spc  x.err  x.log  x.out  x.spc  x12a.mdl
>>> is /gretl/x12arima where logs and errors are stored from x12?
>> $HOME/.gretl/x12arima is where such files are stored. Now, you said
>> the problem was that x.d11 was missing. That is confirmed by the
>> listing above, but I see that you have x.err, x.log and x.out. So
>> you might try looking in those files for a clue as to what has gone
>> wrong with X-12-ARIMA analysis of the series named 'x'. (All of
>> these files will be plain text.)
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