Am 22.08.2018 um 20:12 schrieb Allin Cottrell:

My test script for julia interaction calls a function from the MultivariateStats package, and that doesn't appear to be working with julia 1.0.0. I tried using the GLM package instead but that doesn't work either. In the first instance this was with the julia build supplied by Arch Linux. I then tried removing that and replacing it with the binary package of julia 1.0.0 from still no go with either MultivariateStats or GLM.

On it says that "10 days ago" they updated to Julia 1.0. Maybe somewhere downstream  it hasn't happened yet?

There seems to be some confusion over "LinAlg" vs "LinearAlgebra" (and maybe some other things too).
What do you mean? In the packages, or in the docs, or where?
