Hello all,

I attach two gdt panel data files (is what I managed to do, TIME is a time index, GEO lists 38 countries/regions, and two variables CP00, CP01),

example1.gdt goes from 2016:01-2018:12 and
example2.gdt goes from 2019:01-2022:04

(A) is there an "easy" way to "join" the two gdt files into one time-larger file? running from 2016:01:-2022:04?
(B) how can i  "easily" transform the panel dataset into a time-series set with 38 CP00 series, say EU_CP00, EA_CP00,... and 38 CP01 series, EU_CP01, EA_CP01,...? 

PS = OK I admit "easy" is rather varue. I mean using the mouse menu route or i guess a few hansl lines? (of course many more lines would be also welcome if there is no other way ...).
