Hi Marcin
As advised I downloaded BACE.zip and it installed BACE -infact it appears at th ebottom of the list as a  as a seperate modeling option in the GUI. I then set up a linear TS model with Dep variable (no lags) and a bundle of indep variables (no lags either) including a predefined time trend Sample 1998-2019.  I use the default GUI settings.
The result:-
> Options["avg_model_size"] = avg_model_size
The symbol 'avg_model_size' is undefined
Data error
*** error in function BACE_GUI, line 13
> scalar Options["avg_model_size"] = avg_model_size

There is nowhere in the GUI that one can specify average model size -whatever that might imply.
I attach the datafile if it might help identify the problem source.
Depvar  2  CATCH_DECL
X List VARS   16, 18-21 and 31

Further advice would be welcome.
best wishes

On Sun, 28 Aug 2022 at 17:40, Marcin Błażejowski <marcin@wrzosy.nsb.pl> wrote:
On 28.08.2022 17:56, Brian Revell wrote:
Hi Marcin
as I haven't used script language very frequently and only have a very rudimentary understanding of its syntax,  -I rely on the GUI to meet my requirements l-your suggestion is leaving me perplexed as to how to implement the update and where to put it. My programming expertise only extends to Fortran and Basic-so that will date me!.

 I have downloaded BACE. zip from Source Forge into my Downloads folder. BACE.zip contains the pdf afticle on BACE and a file BACE.gfn.
That is correct: BACE.zip archive contains both: BACE.gfn package and BACE.pdf docs.
  On my laptop, Gretl resides in C:\Program Files\gretl. 
I cannot understand what the instruction pkg install /path/to/BACE.zip really means .

Assuming you put BACE.zip in C: (which gives us a path as C:\BACE.zip) and have gretl already running, do the following steps:

1. Click on 'open gretl console' (third icon at the bottom of main window.

2. type "pkg install C:\BACE.zip" in gretl's console window and press 'Enter'. This just instructs gretl to unzip BACE.zip and put its contains in special place in your user's directory.

Why would I install the already downloaded file  BACE.zip into BACE.zip? 

Basically, because gretl needs to know that such file exists and - that it contains package items.

In case of script. The first 3 lines set verbosity, loads bundled dataset and loads BACE package into memory:
set verbose off
open australia.gdt
include BACE.gfn

Here you generate time trend and set lags:
genr time
x_lags = 1
y_lags = 1

Next, you create X list which contains variables with ID's from 6 to 10. Additionaly, you add lags of them + time:
list X = 6..10
X = lags(x_lags, X) time

Finally, you run BACE for lpau variable as Y, including its lags and all Xs (which corresponds to ARDL(1,1). Const terem may be dropped:
BACE(lpau, X, _(with_const=2, Y_AR_p=y_lags))

That's it.

Of course, all those things you may do via BACE GUI interface, but some element must be done before (like lagged Xs and time)


Marcin Błażejowski
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