Dear Jack

You are right. I just tried in console:
  garch 0 1; Y const Y(-1) --verbose
and I got the same results as what I had in default menu function.

Yi-Nung Yang

2008/5/21 Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti <>:
On Wed, 21 May 2008, yinung CYCU wrote:

Dear all

I use gretl 1.7.4 to estimate a GARCH model by using default menu function (i.e., \Model\Time series\GARCH ) and by the command in console. But they generate different results. The details of iterations are as follows. Any idea?

Could you please check what happens by issuing the command

 garch 0 1; Y const Y(-1) --verbose

via the console? If my guess is right, you should get the same estimates as the menu function. The trick is: you must specify the constant among the regressors for the mean equation. We don't support garch models withut a constant term yet. If you don't put the constant in, we should flag an error, which we don't.

Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche
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