Am 22.03.2021 um 21:47 schrieb Iago Varela:
> Hi all, I'm Yago again.
> So I'm struggling with a new thing.
> The script I'm writing asks the user to imput at the very top what
> variables will be used as dependent and regressors for a logit model. I
> wanted to put it at the top so any user imput is close and neat, and
> there's no skim through code necessary.
> The problem is that I can't make a list before I have a dataset, I can't
> make a list for series that are not defined before such list.
Hi, I don't understand what the problem is. You can write anything like:
list reg = x y z
in a script even with no dataset loaded, and no series "x", "y", "z"
present. Of course it won't _work_ before you load the data, but that's
expected and cannot be avoided.
So surely you're trying to achieve something different? Maybe a more
concrete code example would help us understand.
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