
Thanks for fixing this!

By the way, unrelated, today, I'm not seeing any of the responses through my email system (yahoo email). I only see the responses on the website.

I got the responses before. I don't know what's going on.



On Sun, Jun 9, 2024 at 12:05 PM g s <gsociology(a); wrote:

Hi Allin, Sven 

I downloaded the updated 64 version, gretl_install-64.exe, June 2 2024, from here

In this version, the summary statistic of population, factorized by AreaRegion, that I got through the drop down menu, view / summary statistics / factorized, -does- show all digits (before the decimal point) for the mean, along with the name of the region. And, btw, the values match the values I got from SAS.

Did the 64 version always show all the values using the drop downs to get to the factorized summary statistic?

No, that's a fairly recent thing. (BTW, there's no difference between the 64-bit and 32-bit versions in that respect.) 
