? series Xb = lincomb(X, $coeff[2:])
Data error
? matrix b = $coeff[2:]
Generated matrix b
? series Xb = {X}*b
Matrices not conformable for operation
still is a problem, but I recognised too late that I entered the wrong number in the brackets: the number should, of course, be the number of variables given in X - nine. But that doesn't work for me
? series Xb = lincomb(X, $coeff[9:])
Data error
and nor does
? series Xb = lincomb(X, $coeff[46:])
Data error
? series Xb = lincomb(X, $coeff[91:])
Index value 91 is out of bounds
despite the fact that the model results give F(91, 731) = 27.64603 and:
Test for differing group intercepts -
Null hypothesis: The groups have a common intercept
Test statistic: F(46, 731) = 3.12977
with p-value = P(F(46, 731) > 3.12977) = 1.00693e-10
So which is the correct number to enter here that will run the command without error? I'm flummoxed.
Thanks again.
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"My colleagues in the social sciences talk a great deal about methodology. I prefer to call it style." -- Freeman J. Dyson