Hi Sven,

Sorry for delay, your message got unnoticed to me until yesterday.
The problem remains the same to me, and after some tests and study,
I believe the quiz in my Ubuntu is related to the building of the pdf file
related to funcbody.tex file as the make command gets waiting in line 2316
as can be seen in attached image. I believe it corresponds to the commute
function (doc on it fixed last 22/06/17).

Also, when making, any citation (really all related to refbody.tex and to funcbody.tex)
shows a warning as can be seen, but I didnīt realize if it always runs so,
as the normal build scrolls the screen very quickly.

As I made a recently update on Ubuntu to 20.04.4, perhaps
it affects my custom building because new dependencies I don't
realize as inexpert user (my buildings are only to confirm to the
gretl team if all goes fine with new functions, addons and translations).

Best regards

De: Sven Schreiber <svetosch@gmx.net>
Enviado: mércores, 29 de xuņo de 2022 20:04
Para: gretl-users@gretlml.univpm.it <gretl-users@gretlml.univpm.it>
Asunto: [Gretl-users] Re: Bundl request from dbnomics errors
Am 24.06.2022 um 13:23 schrieb ESTEVEZ NUŅEZ JUAN CARLOS:
> It occurs to me to test if the problem arises with an also fresh update
> in Ubuntu.
> Unfortunately, I canīt as since some days the 'make' command stops
> waiting for
> an answer after the message /! Missing $ inserted/.
> (I build all the gretl updates, following appendix B of Users Guide over
> the last years)
> Donīt know if this may be related.

Juan Carlos, I guess you have resolved this particular issue in the
meantime. It sounds as if it's coming from TeX while compiling the
documentation. I would simply try to do "make clean" and then starting over.

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