I hope someone can help me..
When I run a fixed and random effects model for my data, I obtain very differing results my variable of interest when using time dummies or a continuous year variable.. When I use a year variable my variable of interest (AS5) is only just insignificant (p=0,15) nut when I use time dummies it is totally insignificant (p=0,73). The hausman test is also inconclusive when I use the year variable, but points towards fixed effects when using time dummies.
When I insert an interaction term between AS5 and MW (another variable already in the model), both the interaction term and AS5 become significant when using the year variable, but only the interaction term becomes significant when using time dummies.
The outputs are attached to the mail.. Can someone explain to me what causes the differences and what I am to do next..
Thanks from a newby..

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