Fixed effects estimator allows for differing intercepts by cross-sectional unit slope standard errors in parentheses, p-values in brackets const: 6,6168 (0,39494) [0,00000] LNASS: 0,43447 (0,022607) [0,00000] RECINV: 0,34046 (0,12227) [0,00540] CUR: -0,028227 (0,0061409) [0,00000] LEV: 0,071352 (0,055074) [0,19524] ROA: -0,20229 (0,065877) [0,00216] DLOSS: 0,034694 (0,016256) [0,03292] DFORSAL: 0,050056 (0,022651) [0,02720] LSEG: 0,079557 (0,034226) [0,02018] GROWTH: -0,01861 (0,010161) [0,06714] TENURE: -0,011962 (0,011755) [0,30894] DBIG4_5: 0,1815 (0,039969) [0,00001] AUDCHG: -0,12032 (0,022849) [0,00000] REPLAG: 0,00027518 (0,00013913) [0,04805] AS5: -0,0059255 (0,017407) [0,73358] MW: 0,11478 (0,016911) [0,00000] DMERG: -0,021615 (0,011497) [0,06023] DYEND: 0,34298 (0,089382) [0,00013] D04: -0,0026861 (0,069166) [0,96902] D05: 0,002703 (0,061857) [0,96515] D06: 0,022061 (0,057413) [0,70082] D07: 0,01961 (0,051107) [0,70123] 1576 group means were subtracted from the data Residual variance: 110,621/(4220 - 1597) = 0,0421734 Joint significance of differing group means: F(1575, 2623) = 15,4547 with p-value 0 (A low p-value counts against the null hypothesis that the pooled OLS model is adequate, in favor of the fixed effects alternative.) Breusch-Pagan test statistic: LM = 2278,99 with p-value = prob(chi-square(1) > 2278,99) = 0 (A low p-value counts against the null hypothesis that the pooled OLS model is adequate, in favor of the random effects alternative.) Variance estimators: between = 0,283045 within = 0,0421734 Panel is unbalanced: theta varies across units Random effects estimator allows for a unit-specific component to the error term (standard errors in parentheses, p-values in brackets) const: 5,6998 (0,3173) [0,00000] LNASS: 0,50545 (0,0087628) [0,00000] RECINV: 0,50441 (0,076668) [0,00000] CUR: -0,031813 (0,0051885) [0,00000] LEV: 0,096529 (0,045652) [0,03454] ROA: -0,24389 (0,060915) [0,00006] DLOSS: 0,05316 (0,015811) [0,00078] DFORSAL: 0,131 (0,019103) [0,00000] LSEG: 0,19641 (0,022799) [0,00000] GROWTH: -0,023833 (0,0075204) [0,00154] TENURE: -0,013222 (0,010124) [0,19165] DBIG4_5: 0,18762 (0,031187) [0,00000] AUDCHG: -0,11928 (0,022126) [0,00000] REPLAG: 0,00016691 (0,00012903) [0,19590] AS5: -0,010003 (0,01739) [0,56518] MW: 0,13794 (0,016433) [0,00000] Dagicult: -0,50015 (0,31831) [0,11619] Dmining: -0,3604 (0,27913) [0,19672] Dfood: -0,32364 (0,27789) [0,24423] Dtextiles: -0,25208 (0,2733) [0,35640] Ddrugs: -0,11158 (0,27274) [0,68248] Dchem: -0,12496 (0,27501) [0,64958] Drefin: -0,47633 (0,27582) [0,08425] Drubbr: -0,28344 (0,27377) [0,30057] Dindust: -0,022252 (0,27253) [0,93493] Delectr: -0,034394 (0,27733) [0,90131] Dmisceq: -0,027584 (0,2722) [0,91929] Dcompu: -0,087462 (0,27139) [0,74726] Dtransp: -0,55602 (0,27362) [0,04221] Dutil: -0,6496 (0,27447) [0,01799] Dretail: -0,42315 (0,27134) [0,11896] Dbank: -0,36939 (0,29912) [0,21694] Dservic: -0,078757 (0,27526) [0,77480] DMERG: -0,021772 (0,011042) [0,04871] DYEND: 0,010759 (0,031185) [0,73011] D04: -0,024989 (0,064815) [0,69985] D05: -0,026265 (0,059034) [0,65641] D06: -0,015157 (0,055811) [0,78596] D07: -0,022875 (0,050169) [0,64844] Hausman test matrix is not positive definite (this result may be treated as "fail to reject" the random effects specification).