Model 5: Fixed-effects estimates using 4220 observations Included 1576 cross-sectional units Time-series length: minimum 1, maximum 4 Dependent variable: LNFEE Robust (HAC) standard errors Omitted due to exact collinearity: Dagicult Dmining Dfood Dtextiles Ddrugs Dchem Drefin Drubbr Dindust Delectr Dmisceq Dcompu Dtransp Dutil Dretail Dbank Dservic coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value ------------------------------------------------------------ const -9,91131 34,7496 -0,2852 0,7755 LNASS 0,434973 0,0373063 11,66 1,15E-030 *** RECINV 0,340895 0,167357 2,037 0,0418 ** CUR -0,0275027 0,00691548 -3,977 7,17E-05 *** LEV 0,0699419 0,0695162 1,006 0,3144 ROA -0,205649 0,0797496 -2,579 0,0100 *** DLOSS 0,0325453 0,0208944 1,558 0,1194 DFORSAL 0,0522077 0,0267327 1,953 0,0509 * LSEG 0,0774581 0,0448996 1,725 0,0846 * GROWTH -0,0190205 0,0115120 -1,652 0,0986 * TENURE -0,00918289 0,0165786 -0,5539 0,5797 DBIG4_5 0,180599 0,0631214 2,861 0,0043 *** AUDCHG -0,116921 0,0299812 -3,900 9,87E-05 *** REPLAG 0,000304115 0,000409352 0,7429 0,4576 AS5 -0,0228148 0,0117581 -1,940 0,0524 * MW 0,101498 0,0226506 4,481 7,75E-06 *** DMERG -0,0214216 0,0120625 -1,776 0,0759 * DYEND 0,343124 0,176558 1,943 0,0521 * foo 0,0958969 0,0433919 2,210 0,0272 ** fyear 0,00824046 0,0173917 0,4738 0,6357 Mean of dependent variable = 14,4547 Standard deviation of dep. var. = 1,06731 Sum of squared residuals = 110,418 Standard error of the regression = 0,205095 Unadjusted R-squared = 0,97703 Adjusted R-squared = 0,96307 Within R-squared = 0,22917 F-statistic (1594, 2625) = 70,0322 (p-value < 0,00001) Durbin-Watson statistic = 1,61194 Log-likelihood = 1699,48 Akaike information criterion (AIC) = -208,96 Schwarz Bayesian criterion (BIC) = 9915,45 Hannan-Quinn criterion (HQC) = 3370,13 Test for differing group intercepts - Null hypothesis: The groups have a common intercept Test statistic: F(1575, 2625) = 15,4967 with p-value = P(F(1575, 2625) > 15,4967) = 0