Hello Davide,

I am sure that the experts who participate in this group would create a script to solve your problem in only a few lines of code.
You could also do it, it is just a matter of looking at the documentation for the scripting commands, also known as Hansl.
There is also a good helping start, which is opening the console log, and see all the steps you did with the graphical interface. You can save it to a script file and adapt to your needs.

Hope this helps.

On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 7:13 PM Davide Bertani <dbertani92@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone!
i'm a medical student from Italy, so not an expert in statistics and I apologize in advance for my linguistic or technical errors.
I would like to ask if there is a way, using Gretl, to perform a series of unique logistic regressions with a single command, keeping the same nominal variable and analyzing its relationship with a series of measurement variables extracted from an excel database. let me explain: I have a single nominal variable , A, and a series of measurement variables B C D (100 items). usually I will open Gretl, load the database, click on "logit", "binary", select the nominal variable and the first regressor, get the data I need (O.R., p value, IC 95%), copy them, and paste them into Word or Excel. then I repeat all again using the second regressor, then the third, and so on...a huge waste of time and energies. Is there a way to avoid this exhausting task, automating the process and performing the calculation operation once, and then getting a table with the results in the column? Do you think it's possible? could you help me with this task? thank you in advance

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