Thanks Marcin . I'll wait hopefully for a menu driven version in the Gretl UI.

On Tue, 15 Aug 2023, 13:26 Marcin Błażejowski, <> wrote:
On 15.08.2023 13:18, Brian Revell wrote:
> Hi Luca
> a Bayesian version of multiple regression would also be very welcome
> and much appreciated in the future

Dear Brian,

you can estimate Bayesian normal regression model via BMA package,
thought it is a little tricky. See the script below:

set verbose off
include BMA.gfn
open mrw.gdt --quiet

list Xs = nonoil intermed OECD gdpgrow inv school

smpl --no-missing gdp60 Xs
BMA(gdp60, Xs, _(Nrep=1, burn=0, alpha=0.999))

And now, what yoy get under 'Model: 1, posterior probability: 1.000000'
line is what you're looking for. Two remarks:

1. In fact 'alpha' should be set to 1.0, but it may generate errors (I
need to investigate it).
2. It looks like there is a bug in plotting graph where there are
missing values: to be fixed soon.


Marcin Błażejowski
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