Dear gretl community,
I am using gretl
great! welcome!
(1) Within gretl, is it possible to change the ordering of variables, and keep i.e. save this changed ordering?
Yes, through the "Variable-> edit attribute" menu (or right-click
on the variable) and change the ID number.
(2) Within gretl, suppose a dataset contains observation labels e.g. company names. Is it possible to remove all observation labels from the dataset so that there are none?
Mmmm, can you try the "Data -> Observation markers" menu? I know
there's a similar stuff to add/remove the variables labels (the
"Data-> Variables labesl" menu) but never tried with
(3) Finally, I would like to standardize the regressors (not the dependent variable) in my dataset, such that each regressor has mean 0 and standard deviation of 1. Is there a "summary way" to do this e.g. by declaring the dataset to be a matrix, then operating on this matrix using some matrix operators?
I guess you could do this by using the "meanc" and "sdc" commands.
Could anyone provide an idea how to resolve these issues,
please? I'd appreciate this a lot.
Hope it helps,