Dear Allen,

I remained speechless .... :)

Today I talked about this option with my colleagues. They also said that this will be perfect...and now it is.
Additionally, I think that the speed of the estimating a model is one of the key factors when choosing econometric software. 
In support of this thinking, Gretl is very fast (i.e. user friendly) and this is also one of its advantages compared to other popular software. 
I noticed that Gretl supports import/export of data from a large range of econometric software but one is missing...Microfit, and I must say that is very used. 
What do you think about implementing this possibility too? 


> Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 15:49:50 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] Residuals
> On Wed, 30 Jan 2013, Manny B wrote:
> > I have another suggestion associated with the insertion of
> > dummy variables. As I know, currently dummy variables can be
> > added through "add var" window by entering a formula. As
> > dealing with dummy variables is crucial and common in time
> > series analysis, is there a possibility to add them in such
> > a way as setting sample through "set range" window? (i.e. by
> > clicking a mouse and setting dates).
> That seems like quite a nice GUI convenience. It's now
> implemented in CVS and snapshots. See the item "Observation
> range dummy" under the /Add menu.
> Allin Cottrell
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