Thanks for the report. I've now found the bug and it's fixed in CVS andOn Sun, 26 Oct 2014, Pindar wrote:
> I'm interested in calculating a geometric mean inside the aggregate
> function in a panel dataset. While my UDF works in plain script the
> results when using as aggregation function are wrong. Could you please
> help me with this issue, here is the hansl script:
> function scalar fn_geomean(series X)
> catch scalar Y = prodc({X})^(1/nobs(X))
> if $error<>0
> endif
> return Y
> end function
> open abdata.gdt
> series test = abs(n)
> matrix testmean = aggregate(test, const, mean)
> eval mean(test)~ testmean[, 3]
> matrix testgeomean = aggregate(test, const, fn_geomean)
> eval fn_geomean(test) ~ testgeomean[, 3]
snapshots. Your script should now produce the expected results, with or
without the addition that Sven tried, namely inserting a sample
restriction to discard missing values,
smpl ok(test) --restrict
after generating the "test" series.
Allin Cottrell
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