Hi everyone.

Thank you all for your helpful comments. I got Allin's trick to work. Here's a summary of what I did.

1. Open mydata
store mydata --traditional

2. I had an excel file with the variables and labels in two columns.  Save as a text file. Make sure that gretl has read the variables exactly the same way you have them in the file. (My data file/ and description file had extra 00s which gretl wisely dropped - but this made it seem like the variables were not the same).  Open in Word and save as a text file again.  This provides a more extensive format check to make sure the spaces are spaces (and not tabs) etc and hide the txt extension, adding .lbl.  Save in the same user folder as the data file.

3.  Open mydata.dat again.  This time it opens with all the variables.

So basically, Allin, it's what you said.  I just had to be more careful with what the final text file actually looked like. 

Henrique - For future purposes I am still working on importing a script from a text file with an .inp extension.  I got an error which read 'error in byte compatibility'.  Not sure what that is about.  I will try again. 



On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 5:33 AM, yinung at Gmail <yinung.cycu@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

I tried Allin's solution by command line in Gretl 1.8.4 console under Windows XP.

It did work to generate 3 files, e.g., *.dat, *.hdr, and *.lbl.

After some experiments, I found that the working file must have at least _ONE_ variable with a descriptive label. Otherwise, gretl only generate two files (without *.lbl) so that you are not able to edit the *.lbl by general text editor  thereafter.

It is also confirmed that re-open the *,dat via GUI does not import the associated descriptive labels defined in *.lbl. You have to re-open the *.dat file trhough the gretl Console (command line).

good luck


2009/10/8 Allin Cottrell <cottrell@wfu.edu>

On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, Shaianne Osterreich wrote:

> Thanks for your advice Allin and Henrique.
> Allin - I've tried your suggestion.  When the traditional file
> is created it does create 2 files - dat and hdr.  Then I have
> saved a plain text file named mydata.lbl (in exactly the format
> you suggested) in the same user folder with the newly created
> ones.  But, when I re-open mydata.dat it doesn't open with the
> descriptive labels - it's just the variable names as before.  I
> think gretl isn't reading the text file.  Do you have
> suggestions?

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