On 11.01.2023 00:35, Brian Revell wrote:
Hi Scen
so I have now reinstalled the BACE version from the server list -1.2.
Same dataset as attached on the previous message

Hi Brian,

sorry for delay but we had some mailing-list problem and I received your message just today.

Referring to the problem you faced with: yesterday I discovered it by myself and I fixed it so current SVN version works well.

One important thing: we (Jacek Kwiatkowski and I) decided to to simplify GUI interface. This change is related with new models the package currently covers. As a consequence GUI now offers only basic options assuming default values for the rest parameters. So, if you want to specify options not covered by GUI please use script interface. Example calls are described in PDF available at SF and bundled in ZIP archive.


Marcin Błażejowski