Em 17 de junho de 2011 amaryl <amaryl.felicia@gmx.de> escreveu:

When I try this, I get an error "The symbol 'irf' is undefined".
"irf" is listed as a reserved word (function names) in the command
reference (Version from May, 2011), but I didn't find any description of
the function.
Maybe this is an old function that has been removed?
Incidentally, I run gretl 1.9.0

Dear Britta,

You need to estimate your VAR using the command line. Try something like that:


open australia.gdt

"Model 1" <- var 4 le lpus lpau
matrix a = irf(1,2,0.05)


Best regards,
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul