Hey Allin,
I should have been more precise.
Actually I am trying to replicate figure 2a (std. deviation of the permanent component) and 2b (std. deviation of the transitory component) from the S/W paper.
If one compares figures 2a and 2b with the results I've obtained with Peter Summer's gretl code (pdf, attached before) you see that they highly deviate from Stock and Watson's results. But using the original code I can replicate their figures quite well (see attached pdf files).
I thought that maybe somebody on the mailing list has already tried to replicate the S/W paper using their data and Peter Summer's code.
On Mon, 14 May 2012, Artur Tarassow wrote:What exactly is it that you're comparing between the Stock &
> Dear gretl mailing list
> some while ago, Peter Summers posted his translated code from Stock/Watson's
> 2007 paper (originally written in Gauss)
> (URL: http://lists.wfu.edu/pipermail/gretl-users/2011-February/005897.html).
> I tried to replicate some work, among them Stock/Watson's paper, but
> unfortunately I do not get the same or at least similar results using Peter
> Summer's code. Even though, the input parameters are as in the original Gauss
> code.
Watson paper and gretl output? And are you using the corrected
S & W output?
Allin Cottrell
Gretl-users mailing list